



What is landlord insurance?

Like home insurance, landlord insurance can cover your rental property and its contents against risks like storms, floods and fire. It can also cover the damage that tenants can cause to your contents – and even loss of rental income. Landlord policies cover so much more than a standard home policy, and protect your investment and income from some of the risks associated with renting out a property.

Who should consider it?

Without landlord insurance, you could lose your valuable investment if it’s damaged or destroyed. If you don’t have landlord insurance, you’ll be liable for repair costs to your property should your tenants (or their guests) cause damage. You could also lose income from rent if you’re unable to rent it out during repairs, or if your tenants get evicted or break their lease.


What’s covered?

The exact cover you can receive depends on the policy that you take out. But to give you an idea, here are some of the benefits a landlord insurance policy might include:


  • Cover for flood and fire or explosion.
  • Liability cover for injury or loss of life to a third party, or loss of a third party’s property on a building you own.
  • Cover is available for damage to landlord’s contents – like carpets, curtains, washing machines and portable furniture.
  • Possible cover for loss of rent or an absconding tenant.


You’ve worked hard to buy your investment property, so consider giving your asset the cover it deserves. If you’re keen to find out more you can contact our team today to speak with one of our General Insurance Brokers.

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